Prices & Policies

Childbloom Guitar Program of Sioux Falls


***Effective January 2024***

Enrollment Fee:  $50

Customary Group Monthly Rate: $93

2 Sibling Group Rate:  $138 ($69 Per Sibling)

3 or More Sibling Group Monthly Rate: $64 Per Sibling

Individual Private Rate (30 min):  $140 (subject to availability – prices may vary)



  • Tuition payments are computed on a yearly basis (42 lessons).

Although students are technically enrolled a month at a time, monthly tuition payments are based on this scheduling plan and the format of the lessons your child is taking.  Please make out checks to your Geoff Gunderson, not “Childbloom”, or “Childbloom Guitar Program of Sioux Falls”.  If you are paying by cash, you must receive a receipt from your instructor.

  • Tuition for the upcoming month is due in advance at the LAST LESSON OF THE PRIOR MONTH, or no later than the first lesson of the month being paid. You will not receive an invoice until after the 2nd lesson of the month, at which time payments are considered delinquent.  There will be no late fee for a first offense.  The following two late payments will be charged a $10 late fee, and subsequent late payments will accrue a $20 late fee.  This can become a real issue.  Understand that it causes undue harm to your instructor when payments are not received in a timely, agreed upon manner, and, realize that there are certain fixed expenses which the studio itself must meet monthly.
  • All students must pay the full monthly tuition regardless of any lessons missed. If you choose to not attend a lesson due to another activity, these lessons missed will NOT be credited to you.  Students are NOT entitled to makeup lessons for those missed.  If your instructor has to miss a lesson with your child and cannot reschedule or find a substitute teacher, you will be credited for that amount in the tuition payment due for the following month.  The only exceptions to this rule are family emergencies and illness of the student.  If your child was sick enough to remain home from school, please do not come to the lesson that day and risk exposing others to illness.  In this case the instructor will attempt to find a convenient make-up time, however MAKE-UPS ARE NOT GUARANTEED.
  • Lessons cancelled by the instructor due to inclement weather will be rescheduled or will be credited in the tuition payment due for the following month. Parents will be notified via email and/or phone in the event of such a cancellation.


  • Your instructor must have two weeks notice prior to a withdraw occurring in the following month.

If notice is not received, you will be responsible for the following months tuition.  Any family withdrawing otherwise must pay the full monthly tuition to the end of the month in which they withdraw.  Please note that if you must drop for a period of time, your instructor cannot reserve your lesson time.  Also, if you miss a month of lessons, do not pay, and had not called two weeks prior to the month missed, this will be considered an “illegitimate drop.”  You will need to recontact your instructor to reschedule weekly lessons as your lesson slot will be forfeited, and will be required to repay the enrollment fee in effect at that time before resuming lessons.

  • Expectations of the student by the instructor.
    1. Students are expected arrive on time and to behave appropriately in lessons. This means they are to follow the instructor’s directions to the best of their abilities.  If a problem occurs in the lesson (not related to behavior), the instructor will attempt to handle the issue first.  However, parents are expected to assist, when asked, with issues directly relating to their own child’s behavior or in helping the student to understand an in-class issue or concept.  If behavioral problems persist, the student will be excused from the lesson, and ultimately the program.  If conceptual, technical or other class/curricular problems persist, we may need to move the student from the group, or recommend other courses of action until we are better able to serve the student.
    2. Students are expected to practice the guitar at home between lessons. “Practice” means something entirely different for a six-year old child in Level One and a 14 year-old intermediate student.  Talk with your instructor about age/level appropriate practice activities and strategies for your child.